Excimer Laser
Laser eye correction surgery is performed with the Excimer Laser device.
Excimer Laser is a type of laser technology used in eye surgery. This laser is produced with an ultraviolet argon fluoride gas mixture. Excimer Laser corrects myopic (short-sighted), hyperopic (far-sighted) and astigmatic eye defects by shaping the cornea layer of the eye.
Laser eye surgery is performed in three different ways. These are, LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) (aka No Touch Laser) and LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis).
Excimer Laser treatment is applied to people who want to correct eye defects and meet certain criteria. Ideal candidates are as follows.
- Stable Eye Defect: The eye number has not increased more than 0.5 degrees in the last 1 year.
- Age 18 and Over: Since eye number may increase during childhood and adolescence, laser eye correction should be performed after the age of 18.
- Eye Health: There should be no eye infection, eye pressure and other eye diseases.
- Cornea Thickness: It is important that the cornea has sufficient thickness, because part of the cornea is shaped by the laser in Excimer Laser treatment.
- General Health Status: Excimer Laser treatment is not suitable for people with diabetes or autoimmune diseases.
- Type of Visual Defect: It is used to correct certain eye defects such as myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (distance vision) and astigmatism.
Not everyone may be suitable for Excimer Laser treatment. For this reason, people considering laser eye treatment should be thoroughly evaluated by an ophthalmologist. By assessing the individual's characteristics and needs, the ophthalmologist can determine the most appropriate treatment option.

- Unstable Eye Defect: Those whose eye number has increased by more than 0.5 degrees in the last year.
- Insufficient Corneal Thickness: Those with insufficient cornea.
- Eye Diseases: Active infections, keratoconus, retinal diseases.
- Pregnancy: Women who are pregnant.
- Disorders of Immune System: Excimer Laser treatment cannot be applied to patients with connective tissue diseases, severe dry eye, autoimmune diseases and those receiving immunosuppressive therapy.
- Eye Injuries: Previous eye injuries and/or previous surgical procedures may be contraindicated for Excimer Laser treatment.
- Cataracts: Patients with cataracts.
- Age: People under 18 years of age.
- LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis): The LASIK procedure is a widely used Excimer Laser method for the correction of eye defects such as myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (distance vision) and astigmatism. It is the most commonly used method.
- PRK (Photoretractive Keratectomy) (No Touch Method): It is a method of applying laser directly to the cornea without removing the top layer of the cornea. Its disadvantages are the pain, late healing and high risk of reversed eyesight.
- LASEK: (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis): In this procedure, the corneal epithelium is softened and removed. After the laser is applied, the epithelial layer is closed again.
PRK and LASEK methods are mostly preferred for thin corneas.
The ophthalmologist decides which method is suitable for the patient after a thorough examination.
Recovery is late in PRK (No Touch) method. It causes initial pain lasting 2-3 days. Full recovery takes 2-3 months.
The LASIK method is not painful. Recovery is fast. After one day, the person can see 10/10.
Before Excimer Laser, the patient goes through a series of examinations to determine whether the eye is suitable for treatment. These examinations are:
- Measurement of Eye Number: Eye numbers are measured with and without medication. The best eye number is determined.
- Corneal Mapping (Topography) and Corneal Thickness Examination.
- Evaluation of Eye Diseases: Evaluation of infection, eye pressure and intraocular inflammation (uveitis).
- Magnification of the Pupil: In this way, the central and peripheral retina is evaluated to detect holes and tears in the retina.
If a tear or hole is detected in the retina, it is first treated with argon laser. After 1 month healing period Excimer Laser treatment can be performed.
Procedures During Laser Treatment:
The patient is placed on the operation table. Both eyelids and the surrounding area are wiped with sterile solutions. The eye is covered with a sterile cover. Anesthetic eye drops are instilled into the eye. Eye lids are opened with the help of a retractor. The patient is instructed to look at the flashing green light above and the laser treatment starts. The laser lasts for 5-10 seconds. During this time, the patient is told not to move his/her eye. After the laser treatment of the first eye is completed, the laser treatment of the other eye starts. The laser treatment is completed by performing the same procedures. In some cases, protective contact lenses are placed on the eye. These lenses are removed after one day.
Patients should not wear eye makeup and perfume when coming to the laser. Blood thinners should also be stopped at least 2 days in advance. Perfume can disrupt the settings of the eye laser device.
Things to Consider After Laser Treatment:
After the Excimer Laser procedure is completed, the patient is given a protective goggle. The patient is discharged after being told how to use his/her medications. A follow-up appointment is scheduled for the next day. The patient needs to use three different drops. One antibiotic eye drop, one cortisone eye drop and one artificial tear drop. Antibiotic and cortisone drops are used for a total of 1 month and artificial tear drops for 6 months. There may be a slight stinging in the eye for 3-4 hours after the laser. Then it disappears. Drops are instilled every hour until you fall asleep. They are not instilled during sleep until the morning. After waking up in the morning, the eye is checked. Starting from the first day, the drops are instilled 5 times a day for 1 month. After one month, drops other than artificial tears are stopped and artificial tears are continued for 6 months. Painkillers can be taken on the first day.
On the first day, you should not watch television, look at mobile phones and computers. Eyelids should be kept closed as much as possible for faster healing. It is not appropriate to drive and go to work on the laser day.
Eyes should not be rubbed, scratched or touched for the first 24 hours. The day after the laser, the face can be washed and showered. However, care should be taken not to get soap and shampoo in the eyes.
The patient can swim after the laser, but the head should not be immersed in water. It is ideal to use swimming goggles.
Eye makeup should not be applied for 1 month after the laser.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no pain during the operation. However, the eye is washed with serum and dried. Only a slight pressure is felt.
After laser surgery with the LASIK method, there is stinging and watering for 3-4 hours. With the No Touch method, there is pain and watering for 2-3 days.
Laser eye surgery of both eyes takes 10-15 minutes, including getting the patient in and out of the operating room. The laser procedure takes seconds.
Laser eye surgery does not prevent you from having cataract or other surgeries that may occur at a later age.
If the numbers of the Excimer Laser patient have stopped, the result obtained is permanent. After the laser, 9 out of every 10 people have zero or less than 0.5 eyes. In most of the patients above 0.5 degrees, satisfaction is at high levels.
If the eye has stopped increasing in degree, the number obtained after the laser is permanent.
Anyone who does not want to wear glasses but needs glasses can undergo laser eye surgery if their eye structure is suitable.
Dry eye may occur after laser. Artificial tear drops are used for a certain period of time.
If the patient is fully examined and the appropriate method is chosen, the risk is almost negligible. Of course, the experience of the surgeon comes to the fore here.
This is a very rare condition. However, if necessary, Excimer Laser can be performed again if the corneal thickness allows it. Repeat Excimer Laser is much more comfortable for the patient.
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