Pterygıum (Eye Meat)
Pterygium is a fibrovascular tissue growth on the cornea, usually at the edge of the eye on the nasal side, showing continuity with the conjunctiva. It is popularly known as “Bird’s Wing”. It is usually seen in both eyes.
It is mostly seen in people of hot countries where sunlight is steep and intense. It is very rare in countries with cold climate.
It is thought that sun rays, namely UV rays, play a role in its formation. Sun rays cause cell death in the part of the eye called limbus. This unprotected area develops as a result of the normal layer on the eye called conjunctiva wanting to cover this area, and it grows towards the center of the eye and causes blurred vision.
Untreated glaucoma causes the pupil to close completely, resulting in very poor vision. In addition, the gums also blur vision by causing high degrees of astigmatism. In cases where treatment is delayed, permanent visual impairment occurs.
Symptoms of Pterygium:
Redness, burning and stinging sensation in the eyes, blurred vision are the main complaints.
Risk Factors:
It is more common in individuals with a family history of pterygium.
Exposure to sunlight also increases the risk of pterygium.
Pterygium Treatment:
Treatment of pterygium is surgical. There are two types of surgical treatment;
- Autograft Pterygium Surgery (popularly known as patch surgery)
- Autograftless Pterygium Surgery (patchless surgery)
In autograft surgery, the eye flesh is removed. The removed flesh is replaced with healthy conjunctiva transplanted from the upper or lower reserve area of the eye. Self-dissolving sutures or tissue adhesives are used.
In surgery without autograft, the eye flesh is removed but not transplanted.
While the risk of recurrence is low in surgery with autograft (with patch), the risk of recurrence is high in surgery without autograft (without patch).
Mitomycin C is used in recurrent pterygium surgeries. This drug reduces the risk of recurrence by immunosuppression.
There is burning, stinging and redness in the eye for a certain period of time after the surgery. During this period, sunglasses should be worn in sunny weather. Since self-dissolving stitches are used during the operation, there is usually no need to remove these stitches.

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